IARCS Annual Conference on
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
December 9 to 11, 2008, Bangalore, India

List of accepted papers

  1. Omid Amini, Fedor Fomin and Saket Saurabh
    Implicit Branching and Parameterized Partial Cover Problems
  2. Takahito Aoto
    Sound Lemma Generation for Proving Inductive Validity of Equations
  3. Vikraman Arvind and Pushkar Joglekar
    Some Sieving Algorithms for Lattice Problems
  4. Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ahmed Bouajjani and Tayssir Touili
    Analyzing Asynchronous Programs with Preemption
  5. David Basin, Felix Klaedtke, Samuel Müller and Birgit Pfitzmann
    Runtime Monitoring of Metric First-order Temporal Properties
  6. Noam Berger, Nevin Kapur, Leonard J Schulman and Vijay Vazirani
    Solvency Games
  7. Dietmar Berwanger and Laurent Doyen
    On the power of imperfect information
  8. Didier Caucal
    Boolean algebras of unambiguous context-free languages
  9. André Chailloux and Iordanis Kerenidis
    Increasing the power of the verifier in Quantum Zero Knowledge
  10. Krishnendu Chatterjee, Luca de Alfaro, Rupak Majumdar and Vishwanath Raman
    Algorithms for Game Metrics
  11. Chandra Chekuri and Nitish Korula
    Single-Sink Network Design with Vertex Connectivity Requirements
  12. Chandra Chekuri and Nitish Korula
    Pruning 2-Connected Graphs and Applications
  13. Julien Cristau and Florian Horn
    Graph Games on Ordinals
  14. Samir Datta, Nutan Limaye and Prajakta Nimbhorkar
    3-connected Planar Graph Isomorphism is in Log-space
  15. Josep Diaz, Lefteris Kirousis, Dieter Mitsche and Xavier Perez-Gimenez
    A new upper bound for 3-SAT
  16. Rayna Dimitrova and Bernd Finkbeiner
    Abstraction Refinement for Games with Incomplete Information
  17. Alan Frieze and Ravindran Kannan
    A new approach to the planted clique problem
  18. Daniel Golovin, Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar and Kanat Tangwongsan
    All-Norms and All-L_p-Norms Approximation Algorithms
  19. Stefan Gulan and Henning Fernau
    An Optimal Construction of Finite Automata from Regular Expressions
  20. Jonathan Hayman and Glynn Winskel
    The unfolding of general Petri nets
  21. Florian Horn
    Explicit Muller Games are PTIME
  22. Kazuhiro Inaba and Sebastian Maneth
    The Complexity of Tree Transducer Output Languages
  23. Sampath Kannan, Sanjeev Khanna and Sudeepa Roy
    STCON on Directed Unique-Path Graphs
  24. Telikepalli Kavitha
    Dynamic matrix rank with partial lookahead
  25. Christian Komusiewicz and Johannes Uhlmann
    A Cubic-Vertex Kernel for Flip Consensus Tree
  26. Markus Lohrey
    Leaf languages and string compression
  27. Georg Moser, Andreas Schnabl and Johannes Waldmann
    Complexity Analysis of Term Rewriting Based on Matrix and Context Dependent Interpretations
  28. Romain Péchoux and Jean-Yves Marion
    Analyzing the Implicit Computational Complexity of object-oriented programs
  29. Juan Rodriguez-Hortala
    A Hierarchy of Semantics for Non-deterministic Term Rewriting Systems
  30. Ashutosh Trivedi and Marcin Jurdzinski
    Average-Time Games